Thursday, February 22, 2007

Toby Swann - Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Somebody, somewhere on here asked for Toby Swann's 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'. So whoever you were, here you go. I was going to post this whole amazing album, but my record cleaner broke on me, and I had to order a part for it. So at a later time I will repost this as the whole album, consider this as just a teaser ;) For those of you who don't know Toby Swan, he was the singer/guitarist of the Toronto area punk rock band The Battered Wives, and later The Wives (for obvious reasons). Toby Swann's 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' became a cult song in the Toronto area, and was played often by CFNY. The problem is, now it is considered a scarcity around here, and I've yet to ever see it re-released on CD. Give this track a listen, it will give you an idea as to how great this album is.

Track 1, Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Personal rating 5/5


harleytexas said...

This is a great album. I remeber the video and his appearance on City Limits when it was a late night Friday and Saturday video show on City tv before Much Music.

happy said...

I was the one who asked for this version. Thanks so much. My brother in-law had the only copy I ever saw and it was a 45 but in rough shape. This is truly a 5/5 rating.

happy said...

My name is Stephen

Thanks so much for posting this. I originally heard this song on CFNY and my brother-in law also had a very scratchy 45 single. I truly agree this is a 5/5 rating. You have the best music.

Anonymous said...

Request (been looking everywhere should have started here): Cee Farrow 'should I love you'

Thank you.

Dreamwave said...

Hey, don't think I have this one, I'll ask my mate if he has it.

Jeremy H said...

Awesome... I have been looking for this for so long. Thanks mate!

Are you still planning to put the album up?

Dreamwave said...

Remind me in a few weeks once this move is done with! :)

Anonymous said...

I used to own this album, but sadly my little brother stole it from me when he moved out west (and subsequently lost it)---I have been trying for years to find it. Do you think you'll post the album?

-DF (

archie said...

Wow, I've been looking for this track for a long time - reminds me of the great days of early CFNY. However, the link is no longer working - could you post again? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Bless you for preserving an obscure gem from my misspent musical youth!

Anonymous said...

I just recently ripped my vinyl copy of the album so I have the tracks available if they are wanted . . .

Unknown said...

if anyone is interested I have a perfect digital copy of the record...
drop me a line at

Anonymous said...

The problem is so much attention is given to this one track - there are some real gems on here too: faces include "Hello Moon" - lilting and fun (not particularly 'punk') and "Hey Doc" (I need some medication!) etc. PLAY LOUD. Would love it if you could rip it. Otherwise I'm gonna have to figure it out myself!

Gord said...

The summer of 1982 I worked in Toronto with a small painting contractor. Toby (Swann) was between gigs and was the boss on a few the jobs. I remember painting student residences with him at the UofT. We'd be seriously under the influence of paint fumes and Toby would belt out songs for us. Boy did he have lungs and 'Over The Rainbow' never sounded better than solo in the acoustics of a small room. Toby was the nicest guy in the world. "Battered Wives" was supposed to be as play on words, like they hoped to be rolling in dough one day!