Monday, May 21, 2007

The Cherry Orchard - The Start Of Our Affair

How can I define The Cherry Orchard for you, in order to gauge what you might be likely to hear when listening to this very catchy album. Well, to start off with, you're in for a very 60's inspired pop album, with mild French overtones. I hear a lot of elements in here, for example you can pick up distinct bits of The Housemartins, Nancy Sinatra, The Style Council, and even snippets of The La's. Although most review sites don't give this album the merit it deserves, I will gladly bestow upon The Cherry Orchard the PWEMB seal of approval. This album might not seem like like something up your alley upon your initial listen, but rest assured, you'll be humming it weeks later, and will find it a frequent visitor to your CD player. The album is what defines pop music for the summer, and with that time fast approaching, you should grab a drink with an umbrella, kick off your shoes and throw on your sandals, and find yourself a nice beach to nestle down on. Oh, did I mention that you should play this CD loud while doing this?

Track 1, That Summer Feeling

Track 2, Mmm Delicious

Track 3, Listening To Nancy

Track 4, Starcrossed Lovers

Track 5, Roundabout

Track 6, Sunday Best

Track 7, East View

Track 8, With Regret

Track 9, World On A String

Track 10, Jean And Paul

Track 11, Dreaming

Grab the tracks here!

US March Records 1999, MAR046

Personal rating 4.5/5


kriyata said...

Please Re-upload in other server (mediafire, zshare, badongo, gigazise)

Unknown said...

Oh Wow! Please Re-up in mediafire. Awesome collection! Probably the best blogsite of the genre. Thank you! More power!