Just Letting you all know.. when you're in your mid 30's, getting the chickenpox is probably the closest to death you'll ever get. I've spent the last week and a bit wishing I was anyway. Here's a lovely pic from a few days ago that indicates both my mood, and how great I look, now under quarantine at home for about a week now, and being mostly bed ridden with a temp of nearly 104 degrees. I'm not looking for pity, more so explaining why nothing has happened here, nor likely will until i feel better. I also want to make you fully aware that if you know someone to have chickenpox, and you HAVE NOT had it in your lifetime, STAY THE HELL AWAY!!! I was unlucky enough to get this from some a-hole walking around with it, and coming into my place of work... I guess I'm also saying, if you have it, stay the hell home!

The bottom video kind of explains how I felt last week, and somewhat into the beginning of this week... trust me, it was NOT quite so comical.
I'll try to get a few posts up before we move, though there are no guarantees. I just don't feel well enough to sit here long enough to rip music. Sorry.
Was wondering where you were. Miss your updates, as a mid 30's fella also I can appreciate the awkwardness of having a pizza body. Get well soon!
oh !! been there once myself !! when i was 30 and know exactly what you're going through, the good news is it does all go away eventually :)
anyway hope you feel better soon, yours is a terrific blog so thanks for all the great stuff !!
Yeah, that explained the lack of posts. Rest well, dude...keeping you in my prayers too. I know that itchy unbearable of the pox....
Get well soon, Buddy.
..and don't scratch yourself :)
Like I haven't heard that 1,000,000 times already ;)
So sorry to hear about the chickenpox. I had them as an adult as well, and it was pure hell. Don't let anyone tell you, that you can't get them twice either. That's wrong. You must also avoid them from now on as you are a prime candidate for shingles. If you think the pox are bad, shingles are much worse. Ask your doctor about it.
Thank you for the kind offer to digitise my Kinetic Ideals Eps, but I don't live near you. I might have to cave in and get my turntable fixed and join the vinyl digitizers.
Get well soon.
Get Well Soon.
The clip reminds me of the tme my wife and I caught 'Winter Vomiting Sickness' (basically a made-up name for some foul bug that seems to do the rounds periodically) from our daughter. Her young body had magnified its potency I'm sure. You could set the clock by our 'bleh's.
Get Well soon Dreamwave, when i was in my late 30's I got the shingles!!!Sort of chicken pox for adults and very very painful, so I can sympathize.
You could always play connect the dots and see if someone is trying to tell you something! (Sorry couldnt resist!) :)
Man, I had the chicken pox THIS TIME LAST YEAR...at the age of 38. Erk!! I wished I had died, but obviously (after recovery) am glad I didn't. Hope you feel better.
Well, I sure a lot better now :) Glad I didn't die either..
oh shit-i can top you on this one! Getting chicken pox in your 30's is nothing compared to getting shingles! This is the adult form of chicken pox that all of us get to look forward to as we age. After Chicken pox has run it's course, a strain of it actually stays in your blood stream/nervous sysytem, so when your immune system is at a low point (usually this happens in people over 70)-the shingles appear-sensitive, moist bumps that grow on the top of your skin and HURT (they have a connection to your nervous system). If you touch them and touch
another part of your body, you spread it. Simple antibiotics can take care of it-but it usually takes a week to go away, and sometimes scars will remain (not for me though...) You can only get this if you've already HAD chicken pox. I contracted it during my heavy drug phase right about the time I hit 30. I was using so much coke and heroin and drinking whiskey that I completely fucked my immune system. I'm sober and healthy now (the gym 5 days a week-see what drugs do to you kids!)-so no more issues, but man-I UNDERSTAND YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!
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