Saturday, September 08, 2012
I have 8 sessions up there now and growing. Have a listen, keep in touch, enjoy the chunes.
On the vinyl front.. I have had (another) child, a baby boy (Hadrian). This will set back releasing the turntable from it's hellish storage, and prevent me from getting back to enjoying all this bloody vinyl I keep buying. Trust me when I say it's a sad thing to have all this vinyl you cannot play.. torture even. When I do get back to this, I'll be sequestered for a year just catching up playing it all...
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Dreamscape 6.5

Another in my Dreamscape trilogy, and one that I actually really enjoyed making and listening to. The intro of this mix started out very ambient, but flowed together very nicely. I tend to like building mixes up. peaking, then having them flow back down. This one encompasses a little more of the electronic vein, but I think you'll enjoy it regardless. As with all these being posted, PLEASE post your thoughts of them. I'd like some feedback to what you thought of the musical choices, and how the mix made you feel. Music for me has never been just an auditory experience, it's something that evokes a great deal of feeling. I always try to encapsulate these feelings in the music choices, and hope you get something from it.
Track Listing:
1) July Skies - East Anglian Skies
2) M83 - Moonchild
3) Blue States - Looking Glass
4) DJ Shadow - Dark Days
5) Air - Kelly Watch The Stars
6) Ladytron - Playgirl
7) Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar
8) Alucard - Late Summer Fields
9) Chicane - Saltwater
10) Orbital - Halcyon + On + On
11) Opus III - It's A Fine Day
12) Delerium - Aria
Grab it here!
Monday, October 31, 2011

I kind of promised this would happen soon, and really couldn't not come through for you!
This isn't really where it all started, but I've done a whole series of these mixes now. Some are decent, some, well.. not so great upon reflection. It does give me a chance to work off some stress, get back into the knack of playing music, and express some music I've become fond of. A lot of these mixes are based on feelings at the time, and tend to be somewhat darker in nature. The encompass many musical genres such as: shoegaze, britpop, ambient, electronic, trance. Give them a listen and PLEASE post your feedback, even if you think it sucks. Keep one thing in mind, I am NOT using any professional equipment to do these, so do not judge them too harshly. Also, they are one big track since I cannot make them split anymore without annoying clicks at the start of the tracks. I am more or less putting songs together I feel work well as a theme. I'll put more of them up in a few days, but for now you can have a listen to this.
1) White Lies - Death (Crystal Castles Remix)
2) Crystal Castles - Celeste
3) Bridal Shop - Ideal State
4) Orbital - Belfast/Wasted
5) The Mary Onettes - Puzzles
6) Mumm-Ra - She's Got You High
7) Athlete - Wires
8) Doves - Caught By The River
9) Sad Day For Puppets - Blue Skies
10) Mellonova - Stolen Gift
11) Cocteau Twins - Serpentskirt
12) Death In Vegas - Girls
13) Guitaro - Find You Out (Part 4)
14) A Northern Chorus - Let The Parrots Speak For Themselves
15) Mazzy Star - Halah
16) Great Lake Swimmers - Falling Into The Sky
Grab it here!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I keep trying..
For all of you who still check from time to time, I am very sorry that things have gone stagnant. I have a 3yr old daughter, a house, back in school for nursing, and another son on the way in Feb. Life has been increasingly in the 'fast lane', and I cannot seem to find the offramp... Keep checking, you may find some surprising things pop up!
On an off note.. it's "have annoying and ungrateful kids knock on your door and beg for candy to make them fat" day again. I'd really LOVE to see kids going door to door asking for canned goods to help the local food banks, in lieu of feeding their own greedy faces. Perhaps this might work for instilling some good values in your kids? Or at least potentially saving you the bill at the dentist.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Podcasts Coming soon.. be ready!
Stay tuned.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Time Out
I will be back at this in the next little while. That should make some
of you a tad happier.

My faithful visitors might have noticed that nothing has gone on here for a while. Sorry. Things will go back to normal in time, I swear on that. For now, I just do not have any time to post here! New house at the end of the month, and lots of overtime to keep me busy. I have little left over to sit down and formulate a posting. Once the madness of moving is finished, you will see some new material up here. Thanks for being patient!
Update: 07/16/2008
Well, as of today.. I have internet again! (and there was much rejoicing!) [yay]
This still means, however, that I have 2 hardwood floors to finish, and several rooms to paint before the 3-4 week "wife popping" event begins. I'll try to post something, honestly! I know you are all drooling for something by now..
Update: 08/21/2008
Baby Audrey was born on 08/11/2008 at 11:48 PM. Lots of sleepless nights, but we love our little princess.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bit on the slow side..

Things are a bit on the slow side here, but life has caught up with me again. You might be happy to know I'm expecting a lil' one, we're about 22 weeks along right now. So there's a bit of work involved there obviously. I'm also looking for a bigger house, and that's eating up a lot of time right now. We have to make room for the little one, and allow for all these records to stay as well. I'll try to post when I can, but expect things to be a tad sporadic over the next little while. Now would be a good time to go back through the archives and see what's back there! Enjoy the ride.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

This was a track that I heard on (of all places) a francophone channel that was playing music videos in the lulls of their programming. I had been channel flicking when I came across the gloomy looking singer crying her eyes out when she sang; quite odd. Although the video left much to be desired, the track was quite brilliant. It did get quite a bit of airplay on radio, like every hour at one point, and that initially drove me off it. But being the picky bastard I am, I knew I had to have this on vinyl, despite how hard it would be to find. Here we are, a glorious 10" red vinyl EP of maps, and a few other crap songs. I'll be honest in saying I've not really given the band a chance past this EP, and that's something I should do at some point (there's just too much music, and too little wallet). As I did mention, 'Maps' is a great track, which has a flickering winter breath on the shoegaze spectrum of things, and that’s perhaps why I like it so. The other two tracks I can live without, as they sound like the torture of Joan of Arc (and then some). It seems like
Track 1, Maps
Track 2, Count DownTrack 3, Miles Away (John Peel Session)
Grab the tracks here!
US Interscope Records 2003, B0002074-11
Personal rating 3/5
Pete Shelley - On Your Own

You can look back at a lot of bands, and ponder how many of them managed to not float your boat in the mid 80's. Then all of a sudden, you find one gem that should be regarded as one of the greatest songs of the 80's. The track 'One Your Own' surely must be one of those tracks, as I have never really been a fan of Pete Shelley, nor The Buzzcocks for that matter. Perhaps The Buzzcocks material for the most part was a tad too harsh for me (I do like a few tracks, just not most of it), or perhaps Pete Shelley was a bit too abstract for my liking back then; who knows. I do know that every time I hear this song, even today, I remind myself of a great time. There are certain songs that are anthems to an era for people, be it 'Somebody' by Depeche Mode, or 'How Soon Is Now' by The Smiths. This is among my large list of anthem songs from that period, and would make many a mixed tape it's home if that were the format of choice today. Alas, mixed Cd's don't have the same charm as making a good mixed tape, and this is best exemplified by watching High Fidelity. Go watch your copy again.
Track 1, On Your Own (New York Mix)
Track 2, On Your Own (Dub Mix)
Track 3, Please Forgive Me.. But I Cannot Endure It Any Longer
Grab the tracks here!
UK Mercury Records 1986, MERX 221
Personal rating 4.5/5
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Moev - Crucify Me

There are always the few bands in your collection which you have a special place for, and find that nobody even knows who they are. Moev are one of these bands, and I have been collecting their material for some time now. Before you decide not to read further, you can thank this band for founding Nettwerk Records, which in Canada brings you artists like Skinny Puppy, Severed Heads and Sarah McLachlan. If you want to truly discover the roots of Moev, you'll find yourself a copy of Zimmerkampf, which was a release from 1982. They sounded more like that of Siouxsie & The Banshees on this album, or at least that's what I get out of it. The album is a great listen, though fairly hard to find. We can now jump forward to 1986, where we find a more electronic approach to the music on Yeah, Whatever. Funnily enough, the best known single from this band is also titled 'Yeah, Whatever', and found on this album. 'Crucify Me' has always been my favorite track from this album, though 'Yeah, Whatever' probably got the most airplay in radio and in clubs. It's not quite what I would call industrial music, but fans from that genera might take a liking to Moev. They had a unique musical style that set them apart from labelmates, and may have had a hand in somewhat alienating them from anything mainstream. Chances are, you won't find much in the way of a Moev revolution from this post, but again like other posts, I attempt to bring some light to a band that deserves a bit of highlight.
Track 1, Crucify Me (GM Edit Extended)
Track 2, Crucify Me (Radio Mix)
Track 3, Crucify Me (Extended Mix)
Grab the tracks here!
US Atlantic Records 1989, 0-86454
Personal rating 4/5
See what Moev items we have for sale in our online shop!